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Manchester, United States
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Movie 1 : Bride Wars

Day & Date : Thursday , 5th February 2009.
Location : TGV, Jusco Bukit Raja.
Screening : 11.30 pm.
My rate : ♥♥♥♥ ½

I went out fer this movie 'Perang Pengantin Perempuan' wif Am [my new friend from]. He's a cool guy [i
this type] but a lil bit shy! [hmmm?] Tak syiokkk lar..
Keep talking guys! If you r too quite, u'll b rejected! Not only as a boyfriend, nak buat kawan2 pom ta besh!

Boys yg Happening, Funny, Interesting, Dress well, Alway on tyme is wajib! (^____^)
Newey, Thanks to Am coz banje tgk movie yer! ehe.
Pic cannot be disclosed. P&C. [sorry guys..

Lets talk bout this movie.
As the title lar, it's a women's story. Two best friends, having their Big Days at the same day + at d same place!
How come? It's a mistake done by the assistant of the best wedding planner in New York, Marion St. Claire.
Quickly their friendship deteriorates as old resentments flare up and hard-core competition sets in.

The movie you MUST watch.

Website :


♥ cik aniey ♥ said...

maksuuuuuuu.. page maksu comel seh.. dgn susunan ayat tu.. perghhh ade kelas :D

ƒ z ª said...

susunan ayat?
cane nk wat background r?
[x expert lg neh]


cik aniey!
layan cite neh skali.
besh gyler.

tp, jangan cik aniey 'bride wars' ngan sis cik aniey plak nnt.